Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Tribe!
Been doing some experiments at home and will start some work during open mats thanks to:
Here's what is in the works:
A new Seio-nage combo
A crazy approach to O-goshi
A Harai goshi that will smash some fools up.
A new approach to Sasae-tsuri-komi Ashi that I can't wait to try.
A set up for O-soto-gari that looks devastating and one that can't believe was always there hiding in plain sight.
I believe these will definitely help me competition wise as considering the standing component, BJJ is as about as anti-classical judo as you can get. I believe these are a great antidote to that potion.
I also can't wait to play out with some new grips. I think it will be a surprise.
Now go eat some Turkey, enjoy your families and I will see you fat and HAPPY on the mats!
Let's do it! We used to play with Russian grips a bit in Philly.