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Welcome to the Happy Grappler. The key to a consistent practice is joy. As an aging athlete, I continue to seek out methods that help to keep a smile on my face, relatively fit and pain free. This is my mental graffiti. Enjoy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Probably the best book on running, ever.

When I don't do jiujitsu, I have started running again.

Running and I have a love/hate relationship and I have tried almost every approach unsuccessfully that you can possibly imagine. And it wasn't until I read this book that I started having some successful performance, and funny thing is, this isn't a Running Training book per se, but so much of it has absolutely changed the way I run.

I am definitely a member of the run gentle, run slow, run long camp. And while this may put me at odds with the "Running has no point for BJJ, but if you do it run sprints" camp, it has helped no only to help me sleep better, manage my stress and weight and so much more. Definitely check this book out if you can. Who knows, maybe someday, I might run a marathon or even an ultra.

Run happy!


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